Friday, March 6, 2015

Review - Sea of Stars by Amy Bartol

The Kricket Series, which consists so far of book 1 Under Different Stars (review coming soon) and book 2 Sea of Stars is an amazing combination of science fiction, fantasy, intense romance (which does include some sexual scenes, just a note for parents of younger children), and a planet on the verge of full out war.
At the beginning of Sea of Stars, the prologue discusses the prophecy that the Alameeda believe is about Kricket and a war that will destroy one of the five houses of Ethar (Rafe) and leave one house in complete control of the planet (Alameeda). It seems to me that this prophecy is the basis for this series.
Kricket finds herself back with Trey, the man she loves, at the start of the book. It seems that she is finally in a position to be happy but that is not in the stars for Kricket. We are led thru Kricket, Trey and the other cavars (military) in Trey's unit being arrested for the murder of Rafe's military leader. Finding out that when Alameeda priestesses give birth to a boy, they are to be killed but some of these babies are snuck out of Alameeda and like Kricket and the other priestesses, have special gifts. Kyon, one of the Alameeda Brotherhood, who believes that Kricket belongs to him, will stop at nothing to get her with him. This book is full of action, Trey is a totally alpha male who will stop at nothing to have Kricket at his side, even if it means the total destruction of his house (Rafe) and Kyon is more than willing to destroy Rafe if it means getting Kricket to himself.
Kricket fights to get and keep what she wants and she goes thru hell getting there but just when Kricket and Trey get to a place where they think they should be safe enough and with at least enough time to take a deep breath, things snafu again. Trey and his cavar unit and his family are attacked again by a group that lives in a restricted area of Ethar as the Alameeda have kidnapped one of thier's, a woman and priestess who turns out to be Kricket's younger sister (who she didn't really remember but had been having nightmares about someone named Astrid for as long as she can remember) we also learn that Kricket's father is alive and willing to turn her over to the Alameeda in order to get Astrid back. This book ends with Kricket finally in Kyon's hands.
I'm now on pins and needles waiting for the third book in this series as I know Kricket will never stay voluntarily with Kyon and will do whatever it takes to get back to Trey.

Note - this book was given to me by and author Amy Bartol prior to public release for an honest review.

Note 2 - link for purchase will be added when this book is released at the end of March.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Welcome to My New Book Reviews Blog!!

Hello and welcome to my new blog devoted to book reviews. I am a very voracious reader and greatly enjoy books from a wide variety of genres but I have to admit that fantasy and science fiction rate right up at the top. But, I especially love books that are written in a series by authors who have the gift of making their worlds and the characters in them so real and believable that it makes us, the reader, feel like we could step right into that world and that the characters are already friends, family, people we love, and yes, sometimes people we don't (after all, a good book has to have both the protagonist and the antagonist) and that world is a place that is already home.

Disclaimer - I want to let you know right off the bat that there will be some reviews published here for books that I was given to read especially for the review. I will always let you know when a post is for one of those books. After all, it is the law here in the USA that I do so.

As this is my first post and a brand new blog, please excuse the construction in progress.

I'll be back later today with my first review.